15th European Narcolepsy Days & 21st European Narcolepsy Masterclass
Date(s) - 05/07/2024 06/07/2024
All Day
University Montpellier Faculty of Medicine
SAVE THE DATE!!! The 15th European Narcolepsy Day which immediately follows the 21st European Narcolepsy MasterClass, is a joint meeting with patients and includes clinical and scientific sessions on narcolepsy and its treatment, lectures on the most recent publications in the field of narcolepsy, pediatric updates, short presentations by young investigators on current research projects, a poster session and a keynote lecture on clinical, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspects of narcolepsy and its socio-economic impact. Representatives of national patient organizations will host a joint workshop with clinicians and a second session in which questions prepared by patients will be discussed together with physicians and scientists. |
EVENT FORMAT The meeting will be held in-person at University Montpellier Faculty of Medicine |
Please note that the registration fee for HCPs, Students and EU-NN Members includes participation to the 15th European Narcolepsy Day and the 21st European Narcolepsy Masterclass. * Patients can only attend the 15th European Narcolepsy Day.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (EXPIRED ON 15th April) The European Narcolepsy Day has evolved! Three main symposia are organized on a new format with a datablitz, consisting of four to five short oral presentations selected from submitted abstracts, around three preset topics:
The Poster Session has no preset topic. According to tradition, there will be awards for young scientists (to be eligible, the presenting author should be a student, post doc, or of similar level, and a member of EUNN):
⇒ ABSTRACT STYLE AND INSTRUCTIONS Abstracts must be submitted electronically to peyron@sommeil.univ-lyon1.fr
YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD The European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN) aims to facilitate clinical and scientific progress in the field of narcolepsy and other hypersomnia of central origin. For the 15th European Narcolepsy Day to be held in Montpellier, France, on July 6 2024, the EU-NN will grant a “Young Investigator Award”. If you are an early carrier fellow (see definition below), member of the EUNN, and have published an article on narcolepsy or hypersomnolence of central origin between January 2023 and February 2024, in a key position (first or co-first), you are invited to apply for this award. Note that the young investigator prize can be obtained only once. The award is a prize as well as an invitation to present the awarded scientific work at the 15th Narcolepsy Day in Montpellier (it includes accommodation and travel expenses for up to 300.00 €). Young Investigators are defined as persons who are working in the field, who have been either awarded a doctoral degree (PhD or MD) within the past 5 years or are doing research and have less than 9 years research experience following master’s degree or equivalent. Young Investigators should not hold an appointment as faculty, academic staff or group leader in a university/research institute or in industry. Young investigators are required to have their advisor/supervisor send a letter as proof of the bona fide status of young investigator and mentioning in details the implication of the candidate in the publication. Evaluation will be performed by the scientific committee with the help of external experts if needed to avoid conflict of interests. Application should be addressed to the scientific committee of the EU-NN represented by Christelle Peyron: peyron@sommeil.univ-lyon1.fr ⇒ APPLICATION DEADLINE: 15th April 2024 |
LANGUAGE Official Language is English |
IN COLLABORATION WITH European Sleep Foundation (ESF) |