European Narcolepsy Day – Virtual Congress
Date(s) - 05/09/2020
All Day
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
after careful evaluation of the spreading Covid-19 epidemic, considering the recent statements issued by the World Health Organization, and the related evolving world-wide restrictions and crisis, the EU-NN has been forced to postpone the Narcolepsy events previously scheduled on April 03-05 2020 in Berlin.
Above all, after an additional evaluation of the situation and the recommendations from the German health authorities for large-scale events we came to the conclusion that the only possibility to ensure the realization and success of the meeting and at the same time guarantee a safe congress for our participants, speakers and partners, was to convert the events into a single Virtual Meeting concentrating both programs (European Narcolepsy Day & European Narcolepsy Masterclass) and taking place on Saturday, September 05 2020.
Difficult times require creative and courageous solutions which may also open new paths for a better future. Consequently, the EU-NN Board is glad to offer free online participation in the EU-NN virtual Congress and ensure possibility for education, scientific news and best practice exchange without leaving home.
For further information, registration and support please visit the the ESF Website.