12th European Narcolepsy Days – Towards an individualized treatment
Date(s) - 18/09/2021 19/09/2021
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WELCOME MESSAGE The 12th European Narcolepsy Days – Towards an individualized treatment which immediately follows the 18th European Narcolepsy MasterClass, is a joint meeting with patients and includes clinical and scientific sessions on narcolepsy and its treatment, lectures on the most recent publications in the field of narcolepsy, pediatric updates, short presentations by young investigators on current research projects, a poster session and a keynote lecture on clinical, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspects of narcolepsy and its socio-economic impact. Representatives of national patient organizations will host a joint workshop with clinicians and a second session in which questions prepared by patients will be discussed together with physicians and scientists. |
EVENT FORMAT The meeting will be held in Hybrid format; due to covid-19 restrictions the meeting will be streamed out for the virtual audience and in addition, a limited number of participants will be allowed to join the meeting in-person. Upon online registration process, all attendees will have the chance to select the in-person or the virtual participation. In-person passes are limited and will be assigned on first-come first-served basis Further information on registration fees, rules are listed here below. |
YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD The European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN) aims to facilitate clinical and scientific progress in the field of narcolepsy and other hypersomnias of central origin. If you are under 35 years of age, are MD or PhD and have published an article on narcolepsy or hypersomnias of central origin within this or the last year, you are invited to apply for this award. The application deadline is July 1st 2021. The application, consisting of a CV (max 3 pages) with a clearly stated birth date and the article upon which the application is based, should be sent to the Scientific Committee of the EU-NN represented by Birgitte Kornum: kornum@sund.ku.dk |
ABSTRACTS AND POSTERS All attendees of the 12th European Narcolepsy Days are invited to submit abstracts for the short Oral Presentations Session and the Poster Session. According to tradition, there will be awards for Best poster and Best oral presentation. Abstract format:
PLEASE NOTE: abstracts which do not follow instructions will be rejected. Deadline for abstract submission is: July 1st 2021. Abstracts must be submitted electronically to Birgitte Kornum kornum@sund.ku.dk |
REGISTRATION FEES IMPORTANT: For the in-person participation it is mandatory a valid EU Digital COVID Certificate
PLEASE NOTE: Registration to both European Narcolpesy Network 2021 meetings (18th European Narcolepsy Masterclass & 12th European Narcolepsy Days) provide 25% discount on (eg. if you register for both meetings you will get 25% discount on the total registration fee -> 150,00 € instead of 200.00 €) |
LANGUAGE Official Language is English |
IN COLLABORATION WITH European Sleep Foundation (ESF) |