World Sleep Forum: 5th Think Tank on neurodegeneration related to sleep
Date(s) - 27/05/2021 29/05/2021
All Day
The general topic of the meeting concern different aspects of neurodegeneration and sleep disorders, from the basic mechanism on neurodegeneration and related to sleep to the risk of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease, from sleep apnea to cognition and pharmacological risk of dementia.
For the first time, this year, the World Sleep Forum will include 2 “Public Key-note Lectures” session open to all interested participants.
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic and related national and international restrictions, the World Sleep Forum: 5th Think Tank on neurodegeneration related to sleep is a full virtual meeting.
In-person participation is not possible.
The meeting is divided in 2 main sections:
- Workshops
Participation reserved to faculty members only - Public Key-note Lectures
Participation open to all interested attendees (online registration mandatory)
For further information, registration and support please visit the the ESF Website.